Tanner's Orchard - near Peoria IL

If you haven't been to Tanner's Orchard located about half an hour just north of Peoria, you are missing out!  This place has it all for kids, and can quickly become an annual or semi-annual family tradition that can be counted on to be remembered for a lifetime.  So what's so special that people drive from all over to get here?  Read on.

Corn Maze
Have fun trying to find your way through this huge corn maze.  Give a map to your little pilot and watch them take off.  They often have multiple paths, ranging from one to two miles long, so you can get a great walk in while entertaining the youngsters.

This place has an awesome playground.  Unfortunately you have to pay to play, but it is well worth it.  There is enough here that the kids will play until you drag them out or they fall over from exhaustion (yes, they'll sleep well tonight!).  Big hills, tractors to pedal, miniature golf, a train and school bus to climb around in, swings, slides, tether ball, pony rides, and more await your little guys here.

Yes, there's goats here...a lot of them.  Pet and feed them, or watch them climb up a unique ladder system amongst and between the buildings.  Yet again something you may need to drag your kids away from to see the rest of this place.

There are many rides to be found here for the kids, including a barrel train and a wagon ride to go pick your apples or pumpkins.

Apples, Pumpkins
Of course you may think orchard...doesn't that mean apples, pumpkins, etc?  Yep, and they have a ton of them.  Go on a wagon ride into the orchards or fields themselves and go pick however much you can carry!  This would be a great way to get pumpkins for carving for Halloween, have fun!

Tanner's Website


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